Music Video, Charity Gig & Apparently, I’m Gay…

Hello all!

Hope you’re all good and stuff. It’s Valentines Day so I hope you got some nice gifts. Chocolates, flowers, condoms, whatever floats your boat. I didn’t get a card this year. But then why would I? According to this gentleman, I don’t even know my own sexuality.

Gareth Icke is gay.

This guy has dedicated an entire webpage, and VIDEO to the fact that I am gay. That’s some serious dedication I must admit. His proof is pretty overwhelming. Please check out the video for yourself.

His name is Chris Constantine and according to the BBC, he has ‘serious mental health issues’.

BBC News.

That was an interesting watch for me yesterday I must admit!

Anyway, back down to planet Earth.

I have completed the music video for ‘Remember who you are’. It’s now being put together and special affects added. I can’t wait for you to see it.

I won’t give too much away but in the space of 3 hours I blew out a girlfriend, got hit by a car, ran through a graveyard, and attended my own funeral. Just another normal day in North London.

As soon as it’s completed, the link will be spread far and wide. Much like my legs are as I’m enjoying another mans company.

Do you reckon Mr Constantine has a secret fantasy about me? Maybe.

On March the 9th I’m playing my last show on the Isle of Wight for quite some time. At the end of March I’m moving back up to Derby and won’t be around the South coast any more.

The show on the 9th is at The Wight Rock Bar in Ryde. It’s to raise money for my Sisters charity climb of Ben Nevis.

Bear Attack Club, This Way Up and myself will be performing. All for a mere £2. Doors open at 8pm. Get your arse there! 🙂

I shouldn’t really be talking about arses. I’ll give you all ideas.



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