Break a leg.

Hello everyone,

Sorry I’ve been a bit slack on the updates front. I do have a valid excuse this time though. Since Saturday I have been in hospital on enough Morphine to take down an Indian Elephant.

I broke my leg playing football and needed to be rushed to hospital for treatment. I broke both my Tibia and Fibia just above the ankle.

As soon as the tackle was made, I heard the crack and knew something wasn’t right. Unfortunately, human nature meant I tried to get up. I looked down to see my leg sticking out the wrong way and basically flapping like a flag in the wind.

Google image Aaron Ramsay leg break and you’ll get the picture.

I’m back in with theĀ specialist on Friday to decide whether or not surgery is required or not. Touch wood it isn’t.

Then I am in a wheel chair for a month, another two months of plaster and crutches and then the rehab starts. I don’t think I’ll be able to walk without help for around six months. Then 8 months until I can run.

If I want to play football again, it will be at least a year. Although I am not holding my breath that I’ll play again. The break was pretty horrific.

So there, that’s my excuse. Now bring me grapes! šŸ˜‰ x

One Comment

  1. MrsJ says:

    February 29, 2012 at 11:38 am

    You are being sent so much Love Light Blessing & Positivity from the Fans that we will have you running around like a puppy very soon…
    Stay Safe ^ remember Sleep Heals All… x
    Hope you can do the Show this week…

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