London Riots.

Hey people.

Have I just woken up and stepped out into a scene from Terminator II?

What the real meaning behind these riots is unknown. After all, the Police killing a man is hardly anything new. I don’t recall this kind of unrest after the MET brutally murdered an innocent man named Jean Charles de Menezes.

This goes a hell of a lot deeper than that and while I’m pretty sure there are underground cells at work orchestrating this, it’s still the general public that are carrying out the orders.

I really do understand the anger that is so deeply rooted in the more deprived areas of the Capital and Britain as a whole. Your Government sold you out and couldn’t give a flying fuck about any of you. I would be more shocked if you weren’t filled with rage.

But if the school bully steals your lunch, what do you do? Surely then stealing the kids next to you just makes you as bad as the bully doesn’t it? Well that’s exactly what you are doing by rioting and smashing up peoples lives on the streets of London.

You’re not angry with the guy that owns the local corner shop are you? So why the fuck are you burning it down?

After 9/11 and 7/7 the Government took away most of your basic freedoms. And we all know they want the rest as well. They want you like the farm yard cattle they see you as. Meat that is useless to them unless it’s obedient and pays it’s taxes on time.

Don’t you see that by rioting you are doing exactly what they want you to do? Now they have the excuse they want to get troops on the streets and take away what freedom you have (or think you have) left. In fact, even the general population are CALLING for troops to come in and stop the riots.

So when we should have been united against a common enemy, we’re instead, disjointed and opposed.

There is one simple way to fight the Government that has cast you overboard. And that is by NOT FIGHTING. A simple statement of non-compliance is what we, the people, need.

Simply say “NO” to your Government. Say “NO” to The Sun and other media outlets that feed us the bullshit we’re fed every day. And forget smashing the windows of Tescos. Simply stop shopping there and those windows will soon be boarded up. And who knows, it may even be replaced by a local green grocers in the end.

Because if you keep rioting, this is OUR future.


Wake up and educate yourselves.











  1. says:

    August 9, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    Listen to this –

    This isn’t about government, they have no idea… It’s delusional attacking. Hmm… that guy owns his own business, what can I do to be on his level; work hard and save up, come up with an idea? Naaaa… set fire to it and bring him down to mine. easy.

    Mark Duggan fired at a police officer. They day you make the choice to start carrying and using knives and guns is the day you have to accept being stabbed or shot at. Actions carry consequences; he’s no hero or fallen soldier.

    The friends and family of De Menezes weren’t mindless idiots which is why their (quite just) protests didn’t escalate… This is Duggans’s peers (Thugs and criminals) acting up because they don’t know any other way.

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