Thank You Wembley!!!

Hey everyone!

What an amazing experience Saturday was. 6000 people at Wembley Arena, with a further 2000 watching live across the World.

To show how amazing it was, here is the view I walked out to…

There are plenty of Youtube videos of the performance circling around. I was amazed by the amount of people that recorded the gig, sang along, cheered, clapped, everything.

I can’t thank people enough for making my day.

I have a taste for it now. Let’s hope next years European tours help quench it somewhat!

There will be an official video and photos coming soon.

Until then, thanks again!!!


Photos from Album launch…

Hey folks,

Last night was my Isle of Wight album launch. Thanks so much for everyone that came out and made it a great night.

It felt awesome to be back on stage with the band again. It’s been far too long.

Here are a few images from Roger Regular.



Now on to Wembley! x

Album Launch Tomorrow (Wednesday) & Wembley Sells Out…

Hello folks,

My Isle of Wight album launch Tomorrow (Wednesday 24th) is my first full band performance for almost three and a half years. How crazy is that?

Since my last full band show, I’ve been touring solo across the UK and Europe, but there’s nothing quite like getting back in the studio with the lads, and making some noise.

Tomorrow we’re playing at the Wight Rock Bar in Ryde, Isle of Wight. Ryde was my home town for most of my life, so it’s only right that my first show, should be back in my old stomping ground.

The doors open at 8pm with support coming from This Way Up & Bradley Barney. Three bands for 3 quid. BARGAIN!

On Saturday, we’re off up to play Wembley Arena. The show is now sold out. 5500 people, with a further few thousand watching the live stream across the World. Epic.

Hopefully see you all on Wednesday, Saturday, or some show soon.

Peace. x

Album Launch…Then WEMBLEY!!!

Oi folks,

Hope you’re all well and stuff.

Been mega busy this last couple of weeks. The music video for my next single, ‘What’s love without meaning’ has been filmed and is now being pieced together. Filming was a wee bit of a nightmare. Heavy rain in Manchester, who’d have thought it? Good old English weather.

Next week I’m back on the Isle of Wight for my album launch. It will be the first show I’ve played with a full band, in two years. Insane.

I’m at the Wight Rock Bar in Ryde, on Wednesday 24th October. This Way Up & Bradley Barnley are also playing. Not bad for £3. A bargain.

Then a couple of days later, I’m off up to London for the biggest show of my ‘career’. (I use the term career loosely. ) On the 27th I’m supporting my Dad at Wembley Arena.



A spare pair of undies may well be required.


Listen To Vectis Radio Interview…

Hey Folks,

I’m sat up in Chester, ready to start filming. We start work of the music videos for Paint the town red, and What’s love without meaning, tomorrow.

Then, late tonight, I have a radio interview in the USA. It’s all go. Mind you, I was whining I was bored before. Now I rarely have time to come up for air.

Here is an interview I did on Monday with Vectis Radio. Ian Mac, the interviewer, kindly put this clip together for me, with a few snippets off the album. I hope you enjoy.

Only 17 days until Wembley! Eeeeeshk!!!




Music Videos…

Hello all,

Next week I’m travelling up to Manchester for the week, to film two music videos for the album.

We’re putting one together for the next single, What’s love without meaning, and Paint the town red.

The ideas for them are pretty cool, and quirky. I’m hoping you’ll like what you see! Hopefully they’ll be put together and available to view, in November.

Don’t forget the album is now available for download from all the major outlets. Itunes, Amazon, etc…

If you want a physical copy of the album, click here.


BBC Radio Nottingham Interview…


I’m appearing on Ed Stagg’s Regional Music Show, on BBC Radio Nottingham, this evening.

I’ll be talking about the album, the book, and performing a song or two acoustically.

If you live in the area, you can tune in at around 9pm on DAB, 103.8FM & 95.5FM.

Worldwide, you can listen online here.

Be safe. x

Trouble Purchasing Album?

Hello everyone!

Just a quick message. First of all, thank you all so much for buying my album. I really appreciate the support, and sincerely hope you enjoy it.

For those of you that have been trying to buy the album, but have had problems, I’m really sorry.

HMV should have the album by the end of the week. We’ve had real problems with distribution to them. Until then, you can buy from the following links…

Eromenos Media.

Townend Records.


Hope this helps.

Much love. G

Amazon digital exclusive…

Hey all,
Amazon have a 2 week digital exclusive of ‘A brand new battle’. Other outlets will be stocking the album in 2 weeks time.

To download the album on mp3 simply click onto their website.

If you want to purchase the album on CD, it’s available now by clicking onto the ‘buy’ page.



Hello folks,

It’s been a busy week in Camp Gareth. Not that I have a camp. Although I am rather camp. As this weirdo goes on to explain. Anyway…I’m rambling.

My book, How NOT to be a rock star, is out now. I’m really proud to have it out there and available. It seems like a lifetime since the idea was planted, into my half cut brain, in a Glasgow bar.

You can order the book by clicking here. If you want a signed copy, just pop a request in the ‘notes’ section and I’ll try and get it sorted for you.

I know that appears arrogant saying ‘if you want a signed copy’, and I do feel a bit of a prat saying it, but there have been a few requests. And I’m nice.

As if that wasn’t enough to be going on with, my second album, A Brand New Battle, is available on Monday, through Eromenas Media.

The album is only available in CD format for now, with a digital release scheduled for late October.

I’ll have a full list of HMV stores and Independent Record Outlets that are stocking the album, across the UK, in the next day or two. I’m just waiting for a final list from the label.

There will also be a direct link for you to buy directly from Eromenas Media, if you can’t get to a record store, or live outside the UK.

We’re playing a release show on the Isle of Wight on October 24th, with a London launch, Manchester launch, and a Glasgow launch, yet to be confirmed for the end of October. As soon as I confirm the dates and venues, I’ll let you know.

I really hope you like the CD. It’s my best work to date, and I’m really happy with how it came out. It was recorded raw and with emotion. I hope that comes across.

Have a great weekend all. x