Recording is going great. Was up at 4am yesterday to make the 5 hour drive up to Glasgow. There is something liberating about driving on empty roads. It’s what I imagine rural USA to be like. Only without the occasional Romanian driving his truck like he stole it.
I have managed to get all my acoustic parts down, the bass down and Jono has nailed all the drums. Not bad for a days work. Especially when we ended up recording five tracks, rather than the three we had planned.
That said, I hit a wall at 1 am. 21 hours awake, and two bottles of pinot noir down, is not ideal for getting the best bass take. We redid that final track today…
My man Steve arrives today to lay down his guitar parts. We’ve made enough progress to be able to go for a run through Newton Mearns, and eat Lebanese food. That’s a recording experience I can get behind.
We also have the documentary makers coming to film all day tomorrow. I best make sure I look like I know what I’m doing. They think I’m a musician after all. I’m really the last of the small town blaggers.